Earth’s Aquatic Biomes- Marine
Marine: covers about 75% of the Earth’s surface, typically has a higher salt concentration
Oceans- Separated into different zones (intertidal, pelagic, abyssal, benthic)
Intertidal zone: where the ocean meets land, with the tide coming in and going out, this area is sometimes submerged and sometimes exposed.
What type of plants and animals live in this zone?
Pelagic zone: waters further from land; open ocean from the surface to the benthic zone. IT'S PHOTIC
What type of plants and animals live in this zone?
Abyssal zone: the deepest region of the pelagic zone (open ocean); water is very cold and highly pressurized (deep depths greater than 4,000 m) IT'S THE DEEP BOTTOM!
What type of plants and animals live in this zone?
Benthic zone: the area along the ocean floor that includes sand, silt, and dead organisms IT'S APHOTIC and INCLUDES SOME OF THE MID LEVEL OCEAN FLOOR.
What type of plants and animals live in this zone?
Coral reefs- found in warm, shallow waters (Great Barrier Reef)
Estuaries- where freshwater streams/rivers merge with the ocean (Mangrove areas, salt marshes)