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Human Selection

Develop a list of parameters (criteria) to determine how you will decide who gets to go to our new home, and who gets left behind (100,000 people). Discuss the reasoning behind the choices. Consider the number of people, ages, abilities, and health. Think about the best kind of people you could bring to the new planet to keep our species alive.  MAKE SURE YOU ADDRESS THE CONCERNS BELOW.



Physical and Medical Concerns?

Think of long-term effects of microgravity, mental health support, and emergency medical capabilities


Psychological and Social Dynamics

Psychological and social dynamics are crucial, as close-knit collaboration and conflict resolution skills are essential during prolonged isolation.

Super Hero Kids


Technical Expertise and Adaptability

Technical expertise and adaptability are vital to ensure the crew can handle unforeseen challenges and perform their duties effectively.


Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations need to be addressed, such as ensuring diverse representation, preventing discrimination, and respecting individual rights.

Team Portrait
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