Interstellar Project Planning Page
Prompt: The year is 2070 CE. We have limited resources and a human race with an impossible desire to consume. On Earth, we’ve stripped our precious soils of their nutrients to grow food for a growing population of over 11 billion people. We’ve destroyed forests and ecosystem services in an attempt to house and entertain everyone on Earth. We’ve disrupted/harmed our atmosphere and hydrosphere. These imbalances have caused ocean acidification, receding ice caps, fish kills, major losses in biodiversity, and more severe weather patterns across the globe. Earth is an island. It’s our island, but our island is dying. It’s time to find a new home.
Use this as the perfect start to your project. To Do List:
Make a Slides Presentation and share it with your group members.
Each group member needs to select a job from the choices below.
Make sure you fulfill all tasks in the job description. Click your job to see your tasks.
Presentation will be graded: 80 Points Per Individual in Presentation. 10 Points Overall. 10 Points Extra for Innovation. This "wow factor" will be graded as bonus.
The links below will take you to the specifics:
Determine what 5 qualities our new home should have for human needs (e.g., atmosphere similar to Earth). Explain why each quality of life you chose is important in order to sustain life on this new planet. Include pictures and description of each in the presentation.
Develop a list of parameters (criteria) to determine how you will decide who gets to go to our new home, and who gets left behind (100,000 people). Discuss the reasoning behind the choices. Consider the number of people, ages, abilities, and health. Think about the best kind of people you could bring to the new planet to keep our species alive.
Explain how you will transport, house, and feed the people moving to your new planet. Design structures and explain how each part of the ship will operate to sustain life on the ship. Include pictures and description of each in the presentation.
When landing on the planet explain how the human species will survive and thrive on your chosen planet. How will they get food, water, ADAPT, and be entertained?
How will society run on the new planet? Will there be a government, social classes, jobs, marriage, education? Explain with reasoning 3 elements of the social structure that will be implemented.